If you have a furry tale waiting to be shared, Woof Whiskers World is the perfect platform for your pet stories. Before you unleash your narrative onto our pages, here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Review the Guidelines: Prior to submitting your story, take a moment to familiarize yourself with our Terms & Conditions and Appearance Release. Ensuring you comply with these guidelines sets the stage for a smooth publishing process.

Language is No Barrier: Worried about English not being your native language? Fret not! Our dedicated team reviews and edits all submissions, so your story will shine regardless of linguistic origins.

Picture-Perfect Moments: A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in the world of Woof Whiskers. Submit high-quality images with a recommended upload size of 1,200 x 600 pixels or higher. Landscape shots are preferred for optimal viewing on mobile devices, but we also welcome vertical snapshots. Our team will select the most fitting visuals to complement your article.

Lights, Camera, Action: While not mandatory, we warmly welcome videos to enhance your storytelling. If you have a video companion to your pet's adventure, share it with us!

Submission Protocols: All content, be it text, images, or videos, should be sent directly to our email address at hellowoofwhiskersworld@gmail.com or through a reliable file transfer service.

Seal it with Consent: For legal purposes, we require your consent. Fill out our online consent form before we dive into reviewing your article proposal. Don't forget to mention your story title as you complete the form. All fields are mandatory, ensuring we stay on the right side of legal and ethical standards.

We can't wait to be enthralled by your pet tales!

Cheers, The Woof Whiskers World Team